
A Tale of Glass Heaters and Replacement Panels

Posted by Billy Thompson on

Alright, I'm going to paint you a picture:

You've been heating an area of your home with two Zell-aire glass radiant heat panels since the early eighties. The Zell-aire glass heaters warm your den on the far end of your house. The steam radiator doesn't work well in the room, and the den windows are especially drafty. When you put the Zell-aire heaters in as a corrective measure, the change in comfort level was significant. You and your family enjoyed the heat for over thirty years with no maintenance. You wiped the heaters down a few times, but that was all. 

Then roughly three months ago one of the glass panels cracked, and the heater stopped working. Up until this point the Zell-aire model was part of the house. You hadn't paid the heater much mind, because it had always worked. You remove the cracked panel from the frame and put it aside. You'll deal with it later.

Two weeks later, you walk into the den and see that the other glass panel had cracked. It's the middle of winter, and you'd like the heat. You think, "Can I even buy these panels any more? I purchased them over three decades ago, and I don't even know if Zell-aire is still in business."    

You do some research and can't find anything about the company. It looks like the manufacturer is no longer around. You did get thirty years out the heaters. All in all, the radiant experiment brought in an impressive return on investment.

Because you can't find replacement panels, you contemplate taking the heaters out of the wall...

Not so fast. This is where we can help you. We carry a variety of different sized replacement panels to replace discontinued manufacturer parts. Our panels work well with a large number of manufacturers:

  • API
  • Berko
  • Continental Radiant 
  • Electro Glass
  • Glassheat
  • Infa Red Circuits 
  • Lincoln Electric
  • Zell-aire

The Radiant Heater Store's replacement panels are made out of a high quality ceramic instead of glass, ensuring that you won't have to worry about panels cracking or shattering.  

So please don't tear your old radiant heaters out of the den. Instead, browse our collection of reasonably priced replacement elements and get your heaters back working at full capacity. 

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